Presentation of Awards to Blackfriars Tavern on 1st July 2024 (7pm to 9pm) as CAMRA Norfolk Pub of the Year 2024 and CAMRA Norfolk Cider Pub of the Year 2024.
On the 1st July, there will be an event with the presentation of the certificates for both of these prestigious awards.
Earlier in the year, we were judged as East Norfolk Pub Of The Year and Cider Pub Of The Year, which was and continues to be amazing news which we are thankful for!
Then in April and May we received two special pieces of news. In April, we were told that we had been judged as the Cider Pub Of The Year for the whole of Norfolk and in May we were informed that we had been judged as the Pub Of The Year for the whole of Norfolk.
We are inviting regular customers and CAMRA members to come and help us celebrate.
We will be providing some complementary real ale or real cider* and a light snack to help the event go well.
The format of the evening is
7pm East Norfolk CAMRA Open Branch Meeting,
8pm Presentation followed by Music from the Ballard Bootleggers
8:30pm Complementary Snacks. 10pm event finishes.
*Complementary drinks can be claimed between 6:30pm and 9pm on 1st July 2024.
- either 2 free pints per Norfolk CAMRA member (on production of CAMRA membership card)
- or 1 free pint on production of a Blackfriars Tavern Loyalty Card containing at least two pints worth of stamps (this is in addition to the free pint that a full card will enable) or 2 free pints if your card contains 4 or more completed sections.
- In addition, the East Norfolk CAMRA branch is issuing tokens to people who have attended at least one of the open branch meetings this year which will entitle them to a free pint while stocks last!.